Optimised Drop Shadow filter to use less GPU memory and bandwidth
Some minor general code improvements
Fixed issue where filter wouldn’t run when textures were too large, maximum texture size is now limited
Fixed bug where resolution-indepdenent scale would be calculated incorrectly sometimes
Fixed bug where enum property sometimes wouldn’t be saved correctly
Fixed bug where changing the transform wouldn’t cause the filter to re-render
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TextMeshPro is now supported by all filter effects!!
Outline and Long Shadow filters being applied to TextMeshPro
Filters (Blur, Outline, Drop Shadow etc) now support TextMeshPro through the new component UIFX - TextMeshPro Filters. This component also alows easy filter reordering and supports TMP sprites and underlines.
New project preferences menu exposes plugin options
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Massive performance improvements across all filters
Many TextMeshPro issues fixed and improvements
Eliminated redundant per-frame filter rendering
Added per-platform performance settings to allow lower pecision and downsampling to be used on some platforms
Drop Shadow Filter performance improved due to smaller area processed
All property changes are now checked for changes and only trigger minimal rendering
Editor preview no longer renders every frame, now only when rendering changes
FilterStackTextMeshPro now ignore empty placeholder vertices and updates whenever camera/transform changes and has a handy dropdown of the filter list to make adding filters easier
Outline Filter has new DistanceShape mode Diamond
More accurate projection matrix region calculations
World-space canvas support improved
Added support for SVGImage component (part of com.unity.vectorgraphics package) and other UI components that have Graphic.useLegacyMeshGeneration enabled
Added “Convert To Image” button to automatically bake all the filters into a texture and replace them with a RawImage component. This is a beta feature and must be enabled in UIFX preferences.
Added support for Canvas.vertexColorAlwaysGammaSpace for TextMeshPro rendering
Added support for TextMeshPro.tintAllSprites for TextMeshPro rendering
The blur algorithm has changed slightly so any existing blurs in your project will be roughly half the size. To fix this your existing Blur property values for Blur Filter, Drop Shadow Filter, Outline Filter and Gooey Filter should be doubled.
MultiBox blur changed from 3 to 2 passes resulting in a performance increase. This affects all filter components that use blurs internally.
Filter Stack TextMeshPro now renders to a non-floating point texture format on Mobile devices resulting in a performance increase.
Demo scenes refactored and now use Prefabs.
Some refactoring and general code improvements
Fixed bug in Filter Stack TextMeshPro where it didn’t render correctly when vertex alpha was used in Blur Filter.
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Fixed all effects and filters not restoring rendering when Canvas was disabled initially and then enabled.
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FilterStackTextMeshPro now has toggle for quickly enabling/disabling filters and delayed attribute for font relative size.
FilterStackTextMeshPro has reduced memory usage in cases where second RenderTexture is not needed.
Fixed Reset() and OnValidate() sometimes not updating the rendering due frame caching optimisation.
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