[RELEASED] Ultimate Character Controller (UFPS 3 / Third Person Controller 3)

I just tried imgur but the images still showed up missing for me. It looks like it may be specific to the forum - when I open the preview window for that post it plays correctly. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Ah, yeah, sorry, I should have been more specific. It wonā€™t make them appear properly, but whatever site you were using just sucked and is slow, lol.

Iā€™ve learned not to use gifs on this forum :wink:

Considering your movement system itā€™s deterministic, will we be seeing authoritative movement examples?

Over the network? Yes, as soon as Unity fixes this bug Iā€™ll be able to continue to work on the multiplayer addon :slight_smile:

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This is great news! Any chance of a slightly meatier discount if we own BOTH UFPS and TPC?

Will the new controller have out of the box integration with Behavior Designer?

Thank you!

I donā€™t think the store has that capability to begin with. If that were the case I would ask if you own Behavior Designer, UFPS, and TPC then just make it free. : P

I did see him say on the forums that yes, it is integrated with BD out of the box.

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@MostHated is correct in that it depends on how to store is setup. I havenā€™t gone through the upgrade section before but I do think that itā€™s just one asset to another, and you canā€™t take into account multiple assets. This post has some more info on upgrades.

Definitely! In fact I was just working on that integration yesterday and it wonā€™t take too much more to get going.

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(nod) Iā€™m looking into writing myself some custom Playable objects. Itā€™s a pretty versatile API, but not always intuitive.

That would be really interesting, though I entirely agree with you that itā€™s not a thing! :slight_smile:

Some of the procedural animation tools are looking very intriguing these days, and as I think Iā€™ve mentioned before Iā€™m interested in someday (in my Copious Spare Time) looking at a procedural animation set based on Behavior Designer. I expect procedural animation is going to take a huge leap forward with the Unity job system and entity components, given the performance Iā€™ve seen demonstrated at Unite using UJS and ECS.

Yeahā€¦ the jobs system and ECS is going to make for some pretty interesting situations. It makes sense to a Jobs System/ECS update for Behavior Designer before the Ultimate Character Controller, but I imagine that eventually the Ultimate Character Controller will support it as well. Focused on getting it out with the the current tech first though!

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How deep is the networking portion going to be tied to UNet? Since you have not gone to far into the networking aspect of it yet, is there still time to ask if it can be made with the ability to utilize different networking systems in mind?

Itā€™s not tied to UNet at all. As I was developing the UNet portion I was also making an abstract networking layer and implementing Photon PUN and Bolt at the same time.


Yeahā€¦ itā€™ll probably workā€¦ but still prefer doing it through scripting :slight_smile:

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I regret that I could only give one ā€œlikeā€ to that post! You have made me (a network guy by background) so very happy to know I can connect UCC to my own customized network layer!

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Hello, I have a few questions and hopefully this is where I should askā€¦

Sorry if Iā€™m misunderstanding but will the beta be on the asset store for select people or for everyone?

Another question: should I wait until the second version gets released? Iā€™ve been looking into UFPS and such for a while but now that I saw news of a new version Iā€™m wondering if I should just wait until then?

And a third: is this going to integrate with Playmaker at all? I think the current ones work with it but Iā€™m not 100% on that.

Thanks for any info!


We will be releasing a WebGL demo on Tuesday but only sending out the project to a couple of people. This will keep the feedback focused so weā€™re more efficient at fixing any issues. It would be great if you can try out the WebGL demo though and let us know of any bugs - Iā€™ve been running through the demo and fixing minor things here and there but overall there shouldnā€™t be any major issues (at least I hopeā€¦ weā€™ll see on Tuesday :smile:)

I think that depends on the timing of your project but if youā€™ve been holding off for awhile then itā€™s not much longer until version 2.You may want to purchase UFPS 1 now to get familiar with how the system works or if you have a quick project.

Iā€™m not sure if weā€™ll have a Playmaker integration upon release but if not it should be pretty quick to add after the fact. Playmaker actions and Behavior Designer tasks are very similar.

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No swim and no Climb ability? How difficult would it be to have those, considering that they work as a charm already in TPC?

Without them, this is not a complete third person controller imho and it is not an upgrade for me atm, sorry. I will wait for v.2

i really hope the ufps v2 control for mobile platform will be as good as the v1. can we have an android build to test how smooth are inputs? this is principaly the only thing that would make me update.

Swimming and climbing will be added later through an addon. If you have scripting experience you could probably take the existing swimming and climbing systems in v1 and convert it to v2. The ability system API has changed for v2 but the overall concept is the same.

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