The Ultimate Crosshair Package.
After searching the Asset store and not finding one package that has crosshairs available to use in game
I took it upon myself to create something worth giving back to the community
This package inculdes the following:
1 .PSD File Including All The Layers (Unedited!!) (2048x2048)
53 Crosshairs X 6 Scope Rings = 318 Different Crosshairs - .PNG-32 (2048x2048)/(1024x1024)
FX Overlays Including Dirt, Distortion, Dust & Scratch’s And Night Vision - .PNG-32 (2048x2048)/(1024x1024)
The PSD file is Unedited!! so if you have Photoshop (Im using CC 2014) you are more than welcome to mix and match or customize till your heart is content.
The provided FX Overlays are as separate images but in order to use them you will have to either download an image editing software many are available online for free or use the Photoshop .PSD to layer and save your choice of FX. I did this mainly for the asset file size since this asset is almost close to one gigabyte for crosshairs and with the extra variation would push upward of 5 gigabyte.(Quality Matters)
I am always open to opinions and requests so if you have something in mind please don’t hesitate to email me (My email is provided in the ReadMe file opon purchase) or alternatively just post right here on this forum page.
PS….Next Update V1.2 will contain a large quantity of FX overlays.