[Released] Ultimate Isometric Toolkit

I just released my first asset. The Ultimate Isometric Toolkit v1.0.
It simplifies the development of games in isometric perspective.

Try the Demo in fullscreen

Public Wiki and Issue Tracker here
I will upload some videos here

Asset Store link

Isometric Depth Sorting
Isometirc Colliders
Isometric Rigidbodies
Supportive editor extensions to speed up level design, such as:
custom handles for isometric directions
Isometric snapping
Precise positioning
Approx. 480 diffrent sprites for 3 diffrent settings
Medieval Kingdom
City Buildings/Cars/Roads/…
Sample Character Controllers for:
TurnBased Games
Continuous Movement
Discrete Movement
Movement restricted by Collision Detection
5 Sample Scenes
move objects around in more natural ways
Generating Isometric Grid Maps
save time by generating levels

let me hear what you think.

This looks very nice. Thumbs up :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to rotate camera (in +/- 90 degrees directions)?

you would have to rotate the scene, not the camera. It uses prerendered sprites in isometric perspective. So there is no real 3d scene to rotate the camera around

I have 2 threads open on this, and want to migrate.
New questions should be posted here

Can you set the tilt degree for the tiles using this toolkit?

Hi stevelie. More or less. you could change the projection function and make it parametrized, so that you can input 2 angles alpha and beta. The combination of these would represent the ‘tiltness’ of your sprites.

I’m not sure I understand that fully :smile: But I tried to calculate the angle of the sprite that you used in the examples, and the alpha and beta are 26 degree. I can change that right?

Yes. And since you calculated the correct angle, I assume you got the idea of how this works ;).

Real isometric view would be 30° but I figured out that these sprites slightly differ.

Can you describe on how to do that precisely? Because i’m kinda new to unity, and reading at the scripts I dont know where and what to change

nevermind, i found the way to do it. :slight_smile: