[Released] Ultimate Mobile

Hello, I’m not using any 3-rd party plugins. The only changes needs to be done in order to complete the build process correctly is to insert into the manifest tools:replace=“android:icon” in the application tag.

If I build the game without checking google play services the game doesn’t crash. If I build with google play services the game crash as soon as I try to connect.

Unity Version: 2018.1.3f1
Ultimate Mobile updated to the last version.

Thank you.

I upgraded Ultimate Mobile and to Unity 2018. Every time I try to load settings, it wipes them out. I copy back the settings backup and it wipes them to default again.

Hello, I want to announce that Ultimate Mobile Pro is now released.
The Ultimate Mobile Pro is an absolutely new product built from scratch combined all the experience that was gained for years for being the asset store publisher.

The original Ultimate Mobile plugin is now deprecated.

All Ultimate Mobile users will be able to upgrade to the pro version for as low as 1$ or request a free voucher.
It was an incredible amount of effort to make this new plugin. And I hope you guys will enjoy using it.
Asset Store Link | Documentation | Forum Thread

Hi, I’ve purchased your Ultimate Mobile Pro. Is there any example for push notification?

Hey, @shiquhudong , as you may see the Push notifications API, is marked as “coming soon”.
Currently, we have cross-platform API for local notifications:

The push cross-platform API for push notifications is coming next week. I just need to finish Firebase for Android, since Android push notifications API is based on firebase.

There is a issue in notification with ultimate mobile on unity 2018.2.

Caused by: android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package xxx: Couldn’t create icon: StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=xxx id=0x7f020000) visible user=0 )

How can I resolve this issue?

Hey @shiquhudong I need a bit more information on that.

Your Android device version.
Sample how do you schedule the local notification with the ultimate mobile
If possible device log when you are scheduling/receiving the notification. (if possible).
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Not local notification, What I did is push notification. It’s working on unity2017 and unity2018.1. On unity2018.2 when receive notification, it’s crashed. I’ve noticed app icon is in mipmap folder, not drawable folder on unity2018.2. Do you have any thought for it?

The thing is that Android native does not support push notifications, as well as Ultimate mobile. I only have push notification support with the iOS Native plugin.

However, currently, we are adding push support to Android, of course, it will also appear with the ultimate mobile
So how did you used to push notifications? have you used Firebase plugin directly?
Do you have the same issue with local notifications?

Anyway since Android Native will support push notification’s & Firebase plugin integration from the next update, this is something I would like to look at and prevent the issue before it happened.

I have used origin ultimate mobile package (not pro). I didn’t use any other plugin like firebase. I’ve used push notification function in your package. It worked on unity 2017. But not on unity2018.2. Should I wait ultimate pro update for unity last version?

Well, since the Ultimate Mobile pro is released, and Ultimate Mobile will be deprecated in a month or so, my suggestion of course is to wait for the next Ultimate Mobile pro update which will have push notifications cross-platform API. It’s not gonna be long, it will be ready by the end of next week.
You can actually grab Ultimate Mobile pro now, and just update all other API.

I’m getting this error in Unity 2018.3b10

Assets/Plugins/StansAssets/CrossPlatform/UltimateMobile/API/Application/Core/UM_Build.cs(19,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘UM_iBuildInfo’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Did I miss including something?

Hello, looks like you talking about Ultimate Mobile Pro, please use this thread .
But answering your question, well the file should be included, check if you have UM_iBuildInfo.cs file.

Also, I will release new version this weekends, one of the update is full compatibility with 2018.3.
So probably this is more compatibility issues than missing script.

So yea, please check if you have the file, and get back to me. thx. I can always send you current beta.


I’m getting an error when initializing admob. The ads don’t show, and there is an error on android saying:
Java class not found com.androidnative.gms.ad.ANMobileAd

The admob plugin is installed (version 9.9/21)
I’ve installed the admob sdk as well. I’ve tried reinstalling admob but it does not work.

Also users are getting a crash while the app is in background… Over 7000 crashes in less than a week from 20,000 players.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
  at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon (ContextImpl.java:1600)
  at android.app.ContextImpl.startService (ContextImpl.java:1546)
  at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService (ContextWrapper.java:669)
  at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService (ContextWrapper.java:669)
  at com.androidnative.features.notifications.LocalNotificationReceiver.onReceive (LocalNotificationReceiver.java:44)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver (ActivityThread.java:3406)

@kaplica you are using old Ultimate Mobile version that is no longer supported. Please consider upgrading to Ultimate Mobile Pro, I will be happy to provide assistance if needed.

How to completely get rid of the old one, what files to delete?

Also, while I don’t mind upgrading, doing this now isn’t an option as I have deadlines to hit so I appreciate that there is a new version but it’s not quite right that I’m stuck with the old version for now and there there is no support at all :confused:

@kaplica You just remove all mentions of the plugin inside the following folders:

  • Plugins/StansAssets
  • Plugins/iOS
  • Plugins/Android
  • Clean up Android Manifest. Becialy just removes everything you haven’t added there yourself.
    I know that’s a poor design, and also one of the reasons why we made a new product from scratch.

Migration was a very long process. It took around 6 months. And I was trying to do my best with supporting old plugin during migration. But at this point migration is completed, old plugins are deprecated and no longer supported. However source code is open as always.

What about .aars and ios libs? Are these pulled by the plugin as well? Which ones do I delete?

Hello, I just received this notification from Google Play. Is this associated with Stan’s Ultimate Mobile Plugin? Also, how do I upgrade to the Pro since I bought the original?

Security alert
Your app contains an Intent Redirection vulnerability. Please see this Google Help Center article for details.
Vulnerable classes:

  • com.androidnative.features.social.common.SocialProxyActivity.StartActivity

Please fix the issue before: 08/13/2019
Affects APK version 4.
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