[Released] UModeler X : Model, Rig, Paint and AI-Texture within Unity [Unity VSP]

The bug about freezing the Unity Editor while transforming vertices/edges/polygons have been fixed in the latest version.

As for Push/Pull tool Push/Pull has “Draw Margins” parameter in the inspector. When it is on, you can leave border edges between the new polygons and the existing polygons as shown below.

Finally UModeler supports Grid Snap. It can be enabled by turn on Settings/Snap/Enable check box in the inspector and you can change the grid size.

  1. About the export , is this a way to keep quads ? All exported geometry is triangulated when i import in Blender. Or did i miss a step ?

  2. Remove doubles doesn’t work ( or did i miss something ?)
    After the model is done i use rectangle selection to selected vertices and click on “Remove Doubles”, but shadows have seams because of non welded vertex

If i select a polygon and move it, we can see vertex has not been welded.

Also exporting the model as .obj to Blender , when i select and move faces, they are not welded together.

  1. Using lines tools doesn’t create necessary edges.
    It results on hidden poygons, for example i push a shape made with lines, and moving the top face shows an hidden polygon.
    Is there a way to avoid that or have edges auto created when we use lines and push pull tools ?

This is the same model made in Blender, correctly modeled, you cna see the correct edge resulting from extrude. And moving faces in all direction the model is correct, there is no hidden faces, no holes, no double vertex not unwelded.

The plugin is great but it has the same issues as Sketchup (double vertex, non connected faces , hidden faces), other users will not care, but for me correct geometry is important.
Having to use an external modeler to fix the model is loosing all benefit of using Umodeler.
Perhaps i’ll return to Probuilder , it is a more traditionnal modeler that don’t have lines drawing but at least created models have correct geometry.

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Hello zenGarden,

Some of the features you mentioned are already in UModeler. Check it out below.

Axis mirro modeling

  • There is a mirror tool in UModeler.

Weld selected vertices to first, center and last selcted - (Combine tool in UModeler)
The way of using the Combine tool to weld the selected vertices looks inconvenient to use. It’ll be improved.

Loop cut (Loop Slice in UModeler)

  • Loop Slice tool is like Loop cut tool in Bledner.

UV Seams and Unwrap

  • UV mapping editor like one in blender or max is in development and the first version of it is planned to be released in a few months.

Radial Array to duplicate selected faces a number of times with spacing

  • The current clone tool supports only straight line array. Radial Array will be considered as a new feature in the next update.

Object arrays

  • Does it mean duplicating umodeler objects as done like duplicating faces? Would it be useful?

When we apply material ID = 1 to a selected face, if we select another face the material index goes back to ID = 0 instead of keeping ID=1

  • Clicking LMB on a polygon is to select a polygon and take the material id of the selected one and SHIFT + LMB is to assign a material ID to the selected one keeping mat ID.

A missing feature is we can only move faces,edges , we can’t rotate or scale them.

  • Rotating and scaling vertices/edges/polygons are also possible. You can switch the current gizmo by pressing W,E, R key or choosing the gizmo type under Settings/Gizmo in the inspector.

I recommend that you read UModeler manual. It would help you figure out how to use UModeler.

Thank you for feedback!

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Hello zenGarden

Thank you for your concerns regrading UModeler. I’m trying to improve UModeler everyday based on users’ feedback.

I put comments to your questions below.

  1. About the export , is this a way to keep quads? All exported geometry is triangulated when i import in Blender. Or did i miss a step?
  • Only triangles can be exported to .obj file in UModeler so exporting quads isn’t supported yet. Exporting quad shapes to .obj file will be considered for the next update.

As for the incorrect welding issue in Blender and non connected faces, I found out there is a bug in the codes in charge of exporting a mesh to .obj file. This issue will be solved as soon as possible.

  1. Remove doubles doesn’t work ( or did i miss something ?)
  • After selecting some vertices and going to Remove Doubles tool you should adjust “Distance” parameter as shown in the following image.
  1. Using lines tools doesn’t create necessary edges.
  • Extruded faces by Push/Pull tool are merged with the adjacent co-polygons by default. However, “Draw Margins” parameter can leave the lines between the new faces and the existing faces so that you can separate them. It’ll make you avoid the issues you faced. See the image below.
  1. it has the same issues as Sketchup (double vertex, non connected faces , hidden faces), other users will not care, but for me correct geometry is important.
  • UModeler seeks to create a watertight, clean and correct mesh, which means that it doesn’t create any unnecessary vertices, edges and polygons. And Unlike SketchUp, UModeler has many functions to repair a geometry like Copy tool, Combine tool(Merge vertices,polygons), Invert face tool, Remove Doubles tool, Collapse tool and Flatten tool etc.

Non connected faces is problem for me as well. The mesh gives weird results when importing into a painting program like 3d coat. I think there should be some automatic way to connect different faces and avoid double vertices.

Hello shikrr
I found out there is a bug in the codes in charge of exporting a mesh to .obj file. The duplicated positions, normals and uvs are not handled correctly there. This issue will be solved sooner or later.

Yes, the array function working on some object or if possible on selected sub mesh, i don’t know if this should be included on the plugin or let users use external plugin, but it could be usefull.
For example to make array of windows for a building or a house.

I prefer video tutorial covering functionnality, but i’ll read the manual.

Can’t it be more easy and like Blender ? When click it removes doubles according to distance value without having to move the slider, i don’t find that productive to have to move the slider each time.

I tried with margin option, it generates a edge indeed , but the geometry is still not correctly generated.

  1. Object array
  • This sounds like a good idea. I’ll consider adding this function to UModeler.
  1. Video Tutorial
  • Actually I’m not a native English speaker so I feel hard to make a tutorial video but I know the tutorial video will encourage people to use UModeler more. I’ll keep trying to come up with ideas about how to make users begin UModeler more easily and realize them.
  1. Remove Doubles
  • The way of using Remove Doubles will be improved in the next update to make it more intuitive.
  1. About a gap issue
  • This issue isn’t easy to solve completely so it may take some time to fix this. But don’t worry. There is a workaround. Using line tool you can draw an edge to compensate this as shown in the following .gif.



If you make a detailled model, you’ll are doing twice the work and you’ll miss edges because it is not automatic.

I don’t understand what is difficult ? when you draw a line that connects to existing edges, the plugin only need to cut the edges.
This is how it works in Blender, the existing border edges where the line connects are simply cut, so you can’t have holes or hidden polygons

Because the Line tool does not cuts the edge, this is what happens with the plugin


For video tutorial, use a Text to Speech software, https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-text-to-speech-software. I have seen some people for using this for YouTube videos.

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I didn’t know how speech programs can be used with youtube. I’ll take a look at it. Thanks.

Currently it’s tricky to make UModeler behave same as blender in this case because UModeler doesn’t support a non-planar polygon as a basic topology like Blender. UModeler supports only a co-planar simple polygon and a non-planar quad. However, the gap issue can be solved by adding a additional vertex in the current system.
Nonetheless I’ll start to investigate how a non-planar polygon like Blender will go into UModeler.

The default value of Distance property in the inspector is very small. It is probably 0.001 or 0.0001 something like that. Set it to a enough large value like 2.0 or 3.0 etc according to your model size. And then select vertices/edges/polygons again and press “Remove Doubles” button. Then it’ll work immediately without having to adjust “Distance” property.

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I don’t know how it is coded to work that way, but a polygon is a polygon whatever it is planar or not, and cutting and edge remains cutting and edge in two edge, instead of creating a new vertex and new edges.
There is no magic here, it’s basic edge cut on polygon.
I won’t use a lot your plugin as it asks us to do lot more work to get correct geomety unlike more traditionnal modeling plugin like Probuilder.

Anyway, i can understand you want it to stay as Sketchup works (with the same issues) and perhaps it’s too complicated to add some option for correct geometry, and your plugin will suit lot of users that don’t care, so i won’t bother anymore asking correct geometry.


This issue about not welding vertices in the other DCC tools will have been solved in a few days because the new version (1.0.2) including this fix has been submitted to the Asset Store to be reviewed so it’ll come to you soon.

This bug was caused by duplicated positions, normals and uvs in exported .OBJ file.

The following .gif file shows that the vertices of the imported mesh which was exported from UModeler are welded well.


Good, i’ll try it.

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Nice, looking forward to update.

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Hi Tripolygon,

I am really enjoying the plugin. I have two feature requests.

  1. Can you add radius property to rectangle drawing tool, so that I can give radius to the corners. I know it can be done with selecting all four edges and bevel, but if you get time please try to add this feature.

  2. Can you add a property in the arc drawing tool which lets you close the arc. Currently after drawing the arc, the arc is open. To close it, I use a line tool to connect to open points.

Hello shikhrr,

I would love to implement the features you suggested.

As for the first feature, do you want to make a rounded rectangle as shown in the following image or resize the rectangle by adjusting a radius property which would define a distance from the center to a corner?


Hi Tripolygon

I want the rounded rectangle as shown in the image.