[RELEASED] UniFBX (2) FBX Mesh Importer At Runtime

UniFBX (2)

Sometimes, we need to load 2D/3D assets at runtime in our unity application. We can do this by saving it into the Resources folder in the unity editor and they’ll be availables after compilation to load them at any time. The Asset Bundles is an option to store assets to load them from a hard disc, an sdcard or, even, a server location. However, all these options need to use unity editor and, the asset bundles case, Unity Pro Edition is required

Release: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making


UniFBX (2) Standalone Win

UniFBX (2) Standalone Mac


1. This library works with 2D/3D models imported from FBX SDK 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

2. ASCII importation from 3D Editors like Maya, 3DMax, Cinema4D.

3. Setting folder or URL containing FBX files

4. Setting folder or URL containing JPG, PNG, DDS, TGA format for textures (embedded textures or not)

5. Main thread or async load mode implemented.

6. Meshes importation with global scaling, normals, tangents and collider type, selectables.

7. Materials and textures importation.

8. Standard or Legacy Material.

9. Lights, cameras and TRS animation importation.

10. Web player (Depreciated), Standalone (Linux, Win and Mac), Android, iOS, WebGL supported. Unity Personal and Pro editions.

11. Faster than previous UniFBX UniFBX Release 1

12. Complete C# source code. No DLLs


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Hi carlossarria00, I tried the new version UniFBX 2 demo, it can’t import texture. But I tested on old version, it can import the texture. The model generated from Recap 360. Attached file is one of the example, please help. And may I have android version for testing?

2651369–186831–teadrink_tex_0.zip (958 KB)

Hi carlossarria00, I tried the FBX with animator, but the animation and the texture doesn’t import. Please help! Thanks a lot!

Hi HonFai

Please, downalod and try the demo again. I correct something in some script. Now, your “teadrink.fbx” model should load the texture

Hi carlossarria00,

Where can I download the new version? I tried the asset store demo and the above link again, and I get the same result, the texture also can’t import.


UniFBX (2) Standalone Win

UniFBX (2) Standalone Mac

Wait a little longer for Android demo, please

Hi carlossarria00,

It works great with UniFBX (2) Standalone Win. I will wait for the Android demo, it is because my project is mainly for Android and PC.

Thanks a lot!

Hi carlossarria00,

May I know when will the Android demo ready, it is because my project need to hand in this month on 19th.

hi carlossarria00
Is there anyway to import binary fbx files?

Hi HonFai

Here is it: UniFBX (2) Android

Hi Vispan

FBX files ar not supported by UniFBX (2) yet. It’s a work in progress.

Hi carlossarria00,
It works great with UniFBX (2) Android.

Is it possible with UniFBX (1) ?

No, binary files is a work in progress for both UniFBX and stream reading as well

Hey, @carlossarria00 !

Your asset looks nice!
Here are few questions though:

  • Does UniFBX supports huge models (and bypasses 64k vertexes limit)?
  • are you working on the updates and bugfixes (some very important bugs are mentioned at the asset reviews on the UAS)?
  • what is your progress with binary FBX support?


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Hi Dmitriy-Yukhanov

As the meshes be either quad or triangulated a huge model will be loaded in the scene at runtime. However, take in account that it can take longer. For instance, if you load a huge fbx file about 1GB, a 32 bits operating system the application crashes. It is always recomended use files about 20MB (although a 200 MB can be loaded) for a faster operation.

Yes, this asset just can handle upto 64K vertices. Unfortunately, split meshes for more then 64K vertices is not contemplated in this asset.

Thanks for your reply!

Hi, I am looking for asset that would allow the end user to import a fbx model from a website url. I am hoping that this asset would allow me to do that but i am not getting the desired results from the windows demo everything is empty and there is no optin to add url path to the 3d fbx file.
see my screenshot and tell if this is correct or am i doing somthing wring?

2 days since I posted my question and no one responded I guess that answers my question that this asset does not work and it is no longer supported.

Hi pakmafia

Believe me that I had not any notification about yout post. Answering your question, yes, you could add an url and download the 3D model. Really, what the asset does is parser the 3D model file and convert it in unity 3d model.