AssetStore Page
URP+ is a premium asset that pushes the visual quality of the Universal Render Pipeline to near HDRP standards. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their projects with advanced graphical features, without the complexity of HDRP.
- Simple Lit
- Lit
- Lit Tessellation
- Complex Lit
- Complex Lit Tessellation
- Layered Lit
- Layered Lit Tessellation
- Fabric
- Hair
- Eye
Lighting Models
- Approximation Specular(from URP) and Physical Based Specular(GGX from HDRP)
- Iridescence (Thin-Film) and Pre-Integrated Iridescence
- Translucency and Pre-Integrated Subsurface Scattering (SSS)
- Anisotropy
- Sheen (for real realistic fabric materials)
- Clear Coat & Second Normal (for a more realistic rendering of the coating)
Transparent Render
- Refraction and Chromatic Aberration
- Depth Write and Depth Test.
- Semitransparent Shadows(like in Built-in shaders)
- Alpha channel remapping
- Alpha Clipping and Shadow Treshold
- Alpha To Mask (reduce the excessive aliasing)
- Per-Vertex Displacement
- Per-Pixel Displacement(Parallax Occlusion Mapping) with Depth Offset
- Tessellation or Phong Tessellation with Edge Length/Distance fade
General Improvements
- Normal Mode options (Flip/Mirror/None)
- Mapping functions: mask mapping and detail mapping, such as in HDRP
- Thread Mapping specifically designed for fabric shaders
- Emission Fresnel effect for glowing materials
- High-Quality Depth Normals to improve/optimize Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
Additional Features
- Layered shader with vertex color integration and height blending
- Rain/Snow & Weather Controller for dynamic environmental effects
- Horizon Occlusion and Specular Occlusion (From Ambient Occlusion (AO) or GI-based)
- MicroShadows (Micro shadowing gives the impression of extremely detailed lighting that can capture small details)
- Geometric Specular Anti-Aliasing, including a variant for ClearCoat surfaces
Supports Unity 2023 from 2023.2.20f1.
Supports Unity 6 from 6000.0.23f1.
Current version: V 1.4.0