[RELEASED] Vegetation Studio

As far as I know Unity has not made a HD/LW version of the tree creator shaders. They might do at some point.
I think you might have more luck using vegetation from assets that already support the SRP. NatureManufacture has some packages with trees that does that.

For speedtree I think there is a plan to support it. I saw changes in the HD SRP changelog but nothing released yet.

is this still in using the SRPs? What mode are you rendering the grass in.
Instanced indirect does a per item distance/frustum culling while instanced does a cell culling. For instanced rendering the culling has to be done on the CPU and it is to expensive to test every item.

In Vegetation Studio Pro there is per item LOD selection and culling on grass and plants also when rendering instanced. The extra power and multithreading of the job system allows for that.


Yes this issue is while using the SRP. Iā€™ve tried rendering the grass using both instance indirect and instanced, but I seem to get the same result. The only way I seem to get the desired result is to switch the grass to ā€œNormalā€ rendering.

Hi Lennart - Iā€™ve just purchased this and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m a bit stuck right at the beginning. I have multiple terrain tiles. I am using Microsplat. Nothing is showing on the terrain. I set up a vegetation package with no textures Added a speedtree. Nothing appearsā€¦ (P.S. I have hit the big green button!)

UPDATE: I have found the vegetation! It was on a random tile. I have now turned off ā€˜auto select terrainā€™, so can now select a single tile to have vegetation on. So how do I render vegetation on multiple tiles?

Hi @LennartJohansen having a new ā€œissueā€ today. Is there any way to extend the ā€œperimeterā€ of the texture exclusion? As you can see in the images below that texture is set up as an exclusion, and for the most part it works, but there are some edge-cases.

Hi. Really liking the asset so far. Bumping into an issue though. Using a custom grass shader made with Amplify, and followed the instructions to make it useable for instanced indirect. But thatā€™s not really the issue.
It seems that the grass is not ending up in the depth buffer? Thatā€™s why the fog is interacting so weirdly with the grass.
When I place the grass without Vegetation Studio Pro, thereā€™s no issue.
Any ideas?

EDIT: Okay, Iā€™ve tracked down the issue. Itā€™s because in my Amplify shader I use the node ā€˜World Normalā€™ somewhere. (used for a ramped lighting effect). (using instanced render mode, when putting it on normal render mode it works fine, but thatā€™s not an option because of performance of course).

So, is there a way around this so I can use this node?
Or wonā€™t this be possible at all?
The visual style weā€™re going for heavily relies on it though.

Hi everyone

has anyone tried to make an Android build on Unity 2018.2.x? the game just crashes on loading the scene. i thought it might be the instanced rendering causing the issue, but i get the same result no matter what settings.

edit: nvm, got it resolved. apparently it works with IL2CCP

I asked this question a week ago and no response from developer. Any help would be appreciated! I have multiple tiled terrains. How do I run VS across them all?

Hi. You need to duplicate the Vegetation System object for each terrain. They can use the same Vegetation Package for rules. Then assign one terrain for each.

For Vegetation Studio Pro you can assign multiple terrains to a single vegetation system component.

For fastest support try the discord server. Usually a good crowd online if I am not there.
Link in my signature.


Any error log? Could you send me in a private message? What android device. Does it support shader model 5.0?


Not really sure what is happening with that node. Could you message me on discord? Easier to debug with a text chat.
Link in my signature.


What probably happens here is that the center/pivot point of the tree is outside of the texture area. There is no way to extend it. What could work is to draw a almost transparent wider road on the terrain with a wider brush. This would give an area with a small % of road that almost does not show but can be tested with the rule.


That sounds like a lot processing cost. Is it more optimised in PRO?

Cells out of visible range are not processed. The overhead is not that bad.

In Vegetation Studio Pro they share a single internal cell structure. You define a ā€œworld sizeā€ and can add multiple terrain to that. The upside here is that loading terrain run-time is faster and vegetation of the same type will batch between terrains also.

hey there
i am trying to run vegetation studio the first time an get a lot of this errors:

Assets/AwesomeTechnologies/VegetationStudioPro/Runtime/VegetationMasks/Areas/PolygonMaskArea.cs(380,65): error CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from ā€˜Unity.Collections.NativeListā€™ to ā€˜Unity.Collections.NativeMultiHashMap<int, int>ā€™

i run unity 2019.1.1f1 on mac and imported gaia first. all dependecies are installed and scripting runtime / api comp are set to .net 4.x

what am i doing wrong?
best regards

Hi. Have a look at the setup guide here There is a requirement for the Job package version.
There is also a forum thread for Vegetation Studio Pro here .

I think that should fix your problem.


Hi, i am having this issue search told me it related to Veg Studio.


Is there a way to bypass this til an update comes?

Delete the extendedTerrainEditor.cs file



@LennartJohansen your assets would not be better in a dll due to the limitation of 4 go
[https://forum.unity.com/threads/bug...n-standalone-build.441116/page-5#post-4581937]( Bug: 4GB limit to Textures in standalone build page-5#post-4581937)

Latest 1.2, getting bunch errors now. Its complaining of NullReference Exceptions with anything that has a terrain mask component added.