[RELEASED] Warp Effect

Ok ill try that, do you know hat method I should send to start or stop the effect? also from what I can tell it works pretty perfect on Oculus go in the single eye, exactly what I need so if you need any testing done please let me know!

Hi, can you describe how you want to activate / deactivate the effect? It is hard for me to tell you how you could do it without that information. What I do in my game is, that I start the effect after a inital start animation sequence and I stop the effect if the ship reached the new target position.

That actually sounds exactly like how I’d like it to work! It seems like the effect almost instantly turns on when using the demo as opposed to easing into the effect. Can it have the same effect as when it stops? The space seems to warp and then the lines and then after it reaches the destination it slows and then fades to what you have now. It’s almost perfect as it is and has so much potential! I can wait to use it!

hey I just disabled the LeaveWarpEffect script and everything works perfect in both eyes! however I can’t start or stop it other than disabling it

Really? That is strange. :slight_smile:
Yes, you could enable it and change the warp speed so you have a smoother warp in or change the alpha value. And at the end you do it in the opposite direction. There are a lot of possibilities.

Looks great. I wish there could be start and stop transitions instead of being so abrupt

I think I will write a script for that transition. :wink:
Are you using version 1.4.0?

yea I bought it a couple days ago so whatever is on the store

ok so I just did an experiment, I disabled that script and tried to enable it after a few seconds and then invoke the Void Start Effect method. Enabling the script is what throws the eyes out for sure. Honestly, if thats the issue, maybe just changing the shape of the particles to seem like its beginning to stretch space and vice versa when it stops would even work.

Honestly, just playing with it now, can actually just use playmaker to adjust the particles from super slow to face to recreate the effect, thanks would totally work!

In your video it looks like you use version 1.3.x because the stars looks like particle effect. In the new version 1.4.0 everything works without particle effect stars. But before you update you should test the new version.

Oh yea your right, I was using the DemoWarpParticleStars scene, let me try it real quick with the other one

ok it looks like there is o way to initiate the star warp in the shader version without the offending script. With the articles I can just turn them on and off, the shader is based on the main script

Here is an example how I do the transition into warp. Before I activate the warp I slowly zoom in by changing the field of view and at the same time I blur out the whole screen with depth of field. And when the warp is activate I zoom out fast and deactivate depth of field. But I don’t know if this is possible with VR because of the limitations. This gives the player the impression he is drawn into the warp

Yep I think I can mimic this if I just do it manually, one thing I’m concerned about is the star field being seen from within the space cockpit. I’m not sure how I can prevent the particles from enter the cabin. I may be able to make a sphere collider and have the particles destroyed on impact but I’m not sure if it would destroy the entire particle effect or just the individual particles on collision. I’ll have to test this out tonight.

One thing I’m toying with is different kinds of warp effect. The blue waves I wonder can be replaced maybe with another design type?

Yes, you can use a collider for the particles. That destroys only a single particle. And yes, you can use different textures for the blue waves. Just make your own and change the textures in the editor. If you select the warp effect game object you have an editor in the inspector where you can change everything, color, textures, warp speed and all this stuff.

Have you any ideas for more psychedelics effects ?

Have you seen this other new asset for Space Warp ?

Hi, thanks for the link.
You can do more psychedelics effects. I have made some screenshots.
Is it what you are looking for?
4296580--385339--img01.jpg 4296580--385342--img02.jpg 4296580--385345--img03.jpg 4296580--385348--img04.jpg

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Update 1.5.0 is available on the asset store.


  • You can now rotate all main textures and emission maps in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

  • Increased the range for the star rotation speed.

  • Small bugfixes.

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during the development of my own game I find a problem with the Warp Effect, where the Warp Effect starts flickering. After some investigation I could find out that you can stop this flickering by set Light Probes from “Blend Probes” to “Off” in the WarpSphere mesh renderer. If you have the same effect try this out. I will upload an update soon.

How to find it in the WarpEffect prefab:

  • WarpEffect

  • WarpSphereContainer

  • WarpSphere → Mesh Renderer - Light Probes = off
