The Coverage Occlusion feature automatically generates a mask so objects located under roofs or canopies are not exposed to snow/rain.
The Traces (or interactive deformation) feature allows you to interactively deform the snow cover. Any dynamic object can leave traces without time-consuming setup - just turn on one option and you’re done.
The GPU Particle System is finely tuned to create fairly dense snowfall or rain effects, with the ability to remove particles upon impact with surfaces. And all this with excellent performance.
▼On the screenshots below you can see the core features of the system▼
Also, Weatherade comes with few additional tools, which can boost your workflow.
And here’s the list of the most noticable features:
• Snow Coverage shaders
• Rain Coverage shaders
• Terrain support
• Coverage Occlusion
• Snow Traces (deformable snow) with correct normals.
• Displacement
• Custom Data-Driven Tessellation (supports terrain as well)
• Snow subsurface scattering
• Snow sparkle
• Batch Shader Swapper - a tool for the fast material conversion.
• Total Brush (lite)
• Full demo scene from the playable demo is included (except the drivable car)…
…and much more.
hi i insttalled it… but is giving me shader error… like the pipeline is not installed corrrectly… im on 2021.3.32f1
WORKS FINE NOW Not Lone just updated… the ASSET… works fine now with MAC… it was CGINC … stuff. shader related…tesselation…and some other things… he really was quick and helpfull getting to work . thanks again . its very high grade graphics.
This is the same effect that is used in the playable demo when you throwing the snow pieces by clicking LMB.
It was used with the rectangular shape instead of sphere for the car landing shot.
So yes, it’s included.
Windows Error when loading and playing demo content (snow level): Unity 2022.3.19f1, Built-in 3D Core.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
SRS_Tracer:SetupTracers () (at Assets/NOT_Lonely/Weatherade SRS/Scripts/SRS_Tracer.cs:50)
SRS_Tracer:OnEnable () (at Assets/NOT_Lonely/Weatherade SRS/Scripts/SRS_Tracer.cs:16)```
Results in the pickup tires skipping around, and no tracks being built for the truck wheels. Tracks *are* built for the FPS character and the "snowball" when thrown.
Are the problems still there or did they disappear with v1.0.2?
To fix this, simply create a layer called “Dynamic”.
This happens because Unity has no an organic way to pass tags/layers to the packages or add them from code. This only possible using reflection, as I know. But this can be risky and can mess the user’s tags/layers if user imports the package into an existing project.
You can simply remove this missing script from the camera.
This happened because I use the same scene for the playable demo build and for the downloadable content. But there’s an additional component on the camera (Amplify Occlusion) which is used in the playable demo, and I can’t provide it with the package.
I have added a layer named “Dynamic” (user slot 3), but still don’t get tire tracks or proper wheel behavior. Everything else appears to be working fine, so I assume there is just something that isn’t connecting. (Windows, 2022.3.19f1, Built-In) (I have re-downloaded and re-installed the demo material several times just to see if anything was missing.)
I can also see that the SRS_Tracers are pointing to that layer, but still not working. Later I will just do a new setup from the ground up, but would like to have the demo working first, so my confidence is a bit higher.
I noticed that some of what seem to be “important” layers, don’t have ANY layer set - the Layer pulldown displays a null result. The footsteps and snowball still work, so maybe that has something to do with it - they are all set to the same non-existent layer, but the pickup controller is trying to hit “Dynamic”?
Yes, it looks like it reffers to a wrong layer slot. Try to add the Dynamic to the User Layer 12.
As I told before, Unity can’t pass layers to the packages, so the layers originally used on my PC looks like empty fields, but once you “touch” the slots the will reset and the whole demo scene setup can fail. So it’s better to create all the layers yourself and re-assign them to the objects. You can find more info in the online docs.
Excellent thank you - I am definitely going to dive into this more, and I am sure will have more questions. This is already something a few of us have been sort of waiting for for a long time, so I’m quite excited about getting a solid fast workflow down, as we’ll be building a lot of scenes using this in the weeks to come.
@NOT_Lonely : Good news - finally got the 1.0.2 update on MacOS as well as Windows.
Even better, I was able to make a Tags & Layers Preset based your settings above. Loading it to a new project BEFORE installing Weatherade and BEFORE importing the demo content results in the layers mapping correctly at least as far as I can tell! The tracks work now on MacOS, I am sure it will work on Windows also, will test later.
On MacOS, I am not getting the super nice detailed edges on the tracks, but maybe i have something slightly misconfigured, will test that later as well.