[Released] Windmill Apartment - A complete game level/environment

A converted windmill house and garden, situated in a beautiful countryside setting. Use it as a game level, or a source of assets for your own projects.

You can find it in the store here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
Watch a demo of it here: Rivermill Studios - 3D Graphics Production Studio

The scene is ready to use, complete with lighting (with baked lightmaps), collision, animations, particles and sound effects - simply drop in a first person camera and off you go!

Some of the package highlights include:

  • High resolution textures (most at 1024x1024) with normal maps, with medium and low texture packs also included
  • Many objects and items including trees, plants, gardening tools, stove, radiators, table and chairs etc.
  • Particle effects for the chimney smoke and stove fire.
  • Detailed collision mesh for the entire environment.
  • Exterior and interior lighting setups with pre-baked lightmaps.
  • Animated sails on the windmill.
  • Custom scripts for animated clouds and flickering lights.
  • Multiple atmospheric sound effects.
  • Animated texture for the stove fire.
  • Maya and FBX model files are included.

Added a demo video: Rivermill Studios - 3D Graphics Production Studio