[RELEASED] World Streamer ! Forget about your game memory usage and create big world!

They work as before, you can create such mesh via ws2 now.

Iā€™d really like to see this process ā€“ it would definitely be the key selling point for me and many others I might recommend WS to in the future. In fact, this feature is exactly the reason I bought WS1 and yet is the exact same reason I have never used WS in a single project. :frowning:

Do we have any rough timeline when World Streamer 2 can be expected to be released? I am VERY interested in this version :slight_smile:

On pending review by Unity Store since last Tuesday. Iā€™m anxious too to see it in action !

Review is done. We wait for small fix before release.

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lets see the trailer! also an in depth tutorial which explains new stuff and workflow would be good.

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Any update ?

Its almost thereā€¦but crickets

:smile: Last test if itā€™s passed I release:)


I know the feeling. Always had some last minute changes, tweaks when I released my games. At one point you think youā€™ll never ever push it live lolll

Itā€™s about remove bugs not add features :slight_smile:

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Here is me trying to figure it out what they did in FS2020 while waiting for WS2 :slight_smile:

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How did you do this? Is it handled entirely in the shader?

I found a crack and landed there, those tiles are higher ground so we can see them beneath. I think its because when higher lod tiles wont load because of bandwidth and sometimes that leads differences of tile meshes on edges (my guess).

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You could build same grid with ws2 :slight_smile:

WS2 is online. Later I will create new thread for it:)


For the last weeks i have looked every day not only once for the new version in the store and finaly i just have updated and downloading it now :slight_smile:

Now you have to fulfill my expectations :wink:

Have first questions so hope to ask them soon in the new World Streamer 2 thread.

Is there going to be an upgrade price for ws1 owners ?

it is 25$ for upgrade and 90 grace days

New ws2 thread: World Streamer 2