Wreck It is a system that brings deformation into your environment with a low performance impact on your hardware. It gives you the possibility to push your game experience and visual to the next level with just a few clicks!
Create snowdrift, leave snow trails and more! WreckIt is suitable for various types of environment. By adding a few textures you can turn your Winterfell into a muddy environment or Sahara desert!
Good news! OpenGL support was added so WreckIt now supports all hardware listed under the target 5.0 (DirectX11+, OpenGL 4.3+ and OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP). This version was uploaded to the asset store and it will be available in a few days
great asset!!!
I’ve a question: it changes the mesh or is made with some material? in dept: my scene is due by a mesh that is the road, with my custom shader to manage various effects to the road…
can I add this or I need to remake my custom shader?
It is using a custom shader for the terrain and meshes that will be used as surfaces so it would required few changes in your road shader, but this is required only for the surfaces. Objects that are affecting those surfaces (e.g car, humans,…) don’t require specific shader.
If you want, you can send me that road shader and I will implement those changes and then I will test it with the plugin.
Looks great, question what are the limits on this, say I have a very large snow level or a long dirt race track will this work or are you limited by texture size and having to have enough texture space to cover the whole game level or does the system somehow manage it so it just works?
It depends on what you mean by very large. Scenes which are in the first video are done with 0.25km^2 terrain size and it tooks only 4MB of additional vram on GPU. If you need bigger terrains like 4km^2 than it will take 16MB and 16km^2 will take around 100MB. However those values will give you the best visuals and extremly precise deformation, so if you don’t need extremely precise deformation you can have 1km^2 sized terrain which uses only 4MB of vram and it will still look very good.
You can also split the terrain in multiple parts and once the player is far enough from one of those parts than deformation stored for that part can be cleaned and used for some closer part. This approach is currently not available in the plugin, but it can be easily added.
This plugin requires compute shaders and only mobile platform that supports them in unity is android with OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP. Metal on IOS supports compute shaders, but they don’t work in unity currently, so no ios yet. I haven’t tested it on mobile because I don’t have an android.
It should work fine with your environment from Maya, but if your terrain is very low poly, than it could break the visuals and tearing would appear so it would require to add more polygons to avoid this.
In that case I believe that would be risky for me to buy it. Would it be possible that you can test its performance on Android and let us know? It would be great to have insight that way.
If you are targeting mobiles I would suggest you to wait until unity will add more stable vulkan support so that It could run on more devices and not just android.
I will try to borrow one as soon as possible and I will test the performance on it :).
Hm… hard to say, because I don’t know how is the RTP shader implemented so I can’t guarantee if it is possible to merge those two shaders without some complex digging in the RTP shader.
Fading isn’t there, but it is quite easy to implement this feature.
You don’t have to alter your physics code. The collider is untouched and on top of it there is a layer of snow/mud that is deformable and your objects are “standing” on that collider. If you want something like a resistance of the snow layer, so that you will stop let say in the middle between the collider and the upper part, than you would have to implement some additional physics code.
I am very interested in your asset. But I have some doubts.
I am very concerned about compatibility with the RTP asset. I use it in my projects and I need your asset to be compatible with RTP. Also, I guess most developers use RTP. So I think it would be a great idea to include compatibility as soon as possible.
What plans do you have for this issue? How long would it take you to check or fix it?
Is there a trial version of your asset? I have RTP and we could test if there is any incompatibility with your asset …
Is the documentation of your asset complete and detailed? Do you have video tutorials on how to use your full potential?
How deep could you see the effects of your shader? I want it so that my player can dig in certain areas of the scene with a concrete material, such as sand beach … Would it serve your asset for this or only serves to make signs or grooves of footprints when passing objects?
What plans do you have to update and improve your asset? For example including some of the features mentioned above in the forum thread… for example
Since RTP supports tesselation, than it should be actualy quite easy to implement this, but I don’t have RTP so I can’t guarantee this on 100%, but I will look in to it.
The setup of this asset is really easy and guide is also included.
It was initially designed for footprints and grooves effects in the snow. So currently there is no direct digging support. Creating effect that simulates digging would be with few changes quite easy, but the problem would be with updating the collider of the terrain/mesh. I will try to come up with some solution.
In the terms of future updates I am working on several features. I am working on more complex deformation where you will be able to set different stiffness for specific surface, so that wet mud and solid ground would deform differently. I am also working on automatic memory management for games where huge worlds are required and memory budget is low.
I am glad to hear that you are going to look at the compatibility with RTP and the issue of how to implement terrain excavation according to the material.
How long do you think it can take you to check these two aspects and give an answer? I am really interested in your asset but I have some urgency and I do not know if to wait some time for you to implement these updates or buy the asset “Dynamic Terrain Objects”
thank you for the advice Der_Kevin. But what is the problem in MAC? Could you give some information?
I do not know if Vasica has any problems, but it’s been almost 5 days since I sent my last post asking …
Bad impression to buy the asset, I think you have to be a little faster to answer, especially when I am interested in your asset.
This type of things make doubt the support that can give later …