Yak is a set of compute and geometry shaders, for fast rendering and editing hairs. Hairs are made by real geometry (from geometry or compute shaders) and are dynamical, with adjustable stiffness and gravity (per hair set) and wind support.
Yak have fast and easy grooming editor, with options for painting colors (separately for hair base, middle and tip), loading color texture, hair cut or increase length, bending hairs by different ways, clumping, twisting, etc.
Yak have own layer system, with layers of 3 types: for short fur, medium hairs and long hairs.
Supports HDRP (using geometry shaders), Universal Render Pipeline and Standard Render Pipeline (geometry is created by compute shaders, works on iOS and Android)
There are 3 types of hair layers in Yak: short, medium and long hairs. The difference between layers, except initial length, is in number of mesh segments per hair. Short have 4 segments (with 4 control points), medium have 8 (4 control points) and long have 32 segments (with 8 control points) . For performance and memory reason, medium and short hairs are grouped into patches, with 4 or 8 hairs in patch, respectively. Hairs of one patch share same color and grooming parameters (control points).
Number of layers is not restricted.
Yak generates correct motion vectors for HDRP on any kind of animated objects, skinned meshes or blendshapes.
You can load texture to set hairs colors or paint colors by brush directly on the model. Loaded texture itself doesn’t saved in yak assets or memory. Instead, color information is saved for each hair (for long hair) or hair patch (for medium and short).
You can paint color for hair base, hair middle, and hair tip separately.
To edit hairs lengths and directions, bend and curl, there are 7 brushes:
Grow/Cut - Increases or decreases (hold SHIFT) length of hairs. Length is set as percent of Maximal Hair Length of current layer. So if you want to change lengths of all hairs in layer, go to Layer properties – maximal length.
Drier – Work as hair drier, bending all hairs inside brush radius. To set bend direction, hold CTRL button and left mouse button and drag mouse. Hold SHIFT to straighten hairs.
Hand – you can drag and bend hairs with your mouse. More suitable for long hairs.
Clump point – bend all hairs inside brush radius to the center of brush. Hold SHIFT to straighten hairs.
Clump multy – bend all hairs inside brush radius to the centers of clusters.
Curl – curl all hairs inside brush radius.
Add/Remove– Delete (hold SHIFT) or add hairs to the layer.
Yak supports editing hairs in runtime. Example scene is included into the package. Runtme editor is more simple and game-like, compare to editor in edit mode of Unity, but you can easily modify it.
Demo of runtime editor download:
PC: https://tirioko.com/demo/YakHairDemo.zip
Android: https://tirioko.com/demo/YakHairDemo.apk