Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture!


After upgrading to Unity 5.3.4 we’re seeing the error “Releasing render texture that is set to be Camera.targetTexture!” whenever we change anything screen related (resolution, vsync, alt+tab, etc).
There’s no stack or useful information whatsoever but it’s obviously obliterating our RenderTextures. This has not happened prior to 5.3.4. So far we’ve worked around it by disabling and screen changes in-game but this is not ideal and does not stop the problem occuring when alt+tabbing.

Could anyone shed some further light or solutions to this problem?
It’s quite frustrating for us and our users.




This has to be a bug! I got the same problem!

Yep there seems to be a few people having this issue and no word from anyone at Unity about it…
I understand that it’s documented that render textures can be lost at times, but this never happened prior to 5.3.4.

I fixed this by turning off Occlusion Culling on the camera. Hopefully this helps someone else shrug