Note that above RTP3 Island Demo movie (grabbed from realtime build) consists of many additional goodies for showcase purpose. Note that artwork presented above is NOT part of RTP3 package but presents potential power of it (to some extent - there are quite a lot features not used in the demo like dynamic snow , PBS, reflections and so on).
Interactive demo of example scene that comes with RTP3.1 (this artwork IS included in the package):
Don’t see any snow in that there demo though, no matter how I drag the slider… just lettin you know, you know Win7-64, Chrome, NvidiaQuadro, Forward Rendering
Really awesome!
If i wanna grab this for 50$, i need to buy the current version (version 2) from the Assetstore, right?
So this is basically an update to the available version, not a new asset?
it is - but high in the mountains :), I put snow level threshold higher so it doesn’t start at sea level
Yes, it’s free update to the current product, not new one. Grab it now for $50. When it’s on assetstore it will be $65 first, because I told it would. But the product is so large it’s still underpriced. Later I’ll put it higher. Below $100 for sure, but can’t tell exactly (I’m thinking) now.
Of course I’m grateful for positive feedback to everyone on this thread, but here I could also say - nice Avatar you’ve got Chris - wish you all the best with your UnityFS as I saw your physics are very good (and yes - Nat using his TC/WC made the demo scene top-notch with a little help of RTP3 package, too )
The only few times i used my copy of rtp2 were in just playing around seeing if I could make something pretty kind of circumstances and bloody hell they were pretty, this guy’s a whizz at this stuff, well worth the money. I wish I had a project on that used this stuff! I’ll be sure to engineer some excuse noone will complain about
No complains - that’s what we’re doing with Peter and help of Nathaniel, also larsbertram (this terrain ATS AFS guy) is contributing here. I can tell this will be probably one of the best looking Unity showcases…ever (it’s said bold I know, but I just feel this is truth). Demoscene will use many new approaches to things that I would never imagine they can look that good in Unity…