ReloadAssembly takes 55 seconds, even after removing asmdefs (2020.1.0f1, Burst-related?)

I’m using Unity 2020.1.0f1. I’ve recently noticed (as of a week-ish ago, they were working before.) that starting and stopping play mode, compiling scripts, and modifying assembly definitions takes a ridiculous amount of time (1-2 minutes).

This is a small project that I’ve barely started, with only 40MB of assets and about 20 scripts + 2 small DLLs I’ve made(.NET Framework 4.8, c# 8.0, were included before and have not changed since the problem started).

I’ve a suspicion that it’s related to Burst(see profiler below), as the problem started around the time I started adding ECS Systems using Burst compilation, but that’s only half of the time (26 seconds) taken up by ReloadAssembly. The two main problems in terms of time are BurstLoader.cctor and LoadAssembly, and neither of them have any children in the profiler hierarchy taking up significant time.

I removed the assembly definitions to see what would happen and the results appear to be the same.

My question is, what is causing this and how can I fix it?

Profiler below:

Packages installed, if it helps:

I still don’t know what the problem was, but reimporting again solved the issue, at least for now - but left me with this curious error that seems not to be causing any problems: