
I am planing to remake Diablo 3 in Unity. I mostly want to do this only to be able to use Unity to build some stuff into the game. I want to build a new character class. Kind of like the dlc for the game. It adds in a new character class. I want to build an angle class and add a new weapon type called angelic weapons. Also as a last thing I want to do is add in el’druid (tyreal’s sword). I want to know how long you think it would take to rebuild the game in Unity?

Emm… looks like Infinity…
At least infinity, maybe more.


Putting aside the obvious issues with copyright… what exactly do you mean by “remake Diablo 3”?

Do you mean literally remake it with everything it currently has in the game at the same quality level, with same attention to details, play balancing and so forth?

Or do you mean make a highly simplified game inspired by Diablo 3 with less content, simple graphics, greatly reduced scope (maybe 1 town worth of areas at the most, no legendary gems and GR or even Rift runs, etc OR perhaps no area and only a town with a portal leading to GR style combat area)?

I also like D3 a lot and have thought if I ever made a game inspired by it I would limit it to a single town with only the ability to open a portal that leads to an area where combat with enemies happens. No quests or anything. Basically be just a GR run.

Basically the same mindset as the devs of Devil Daggers. You should keep the game simple and tightly focused because you are one person where D3 was made by maybe 100 people over… maybe a decade.

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I agree with @GarBenjamin , it highly depends on amount of work you going to do, quality you want to achieve and team you have. If you wanna get great results, be ready for a long way. But there is also has another path: modding/patching or extending current solution or source code if you have it.

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Thank you very much. I was planing to do the whole game. I guess I can work on one area at a time and test build it.

Since your goal is to create a new character class - why not start out with that instead? To be honest Diablo is a top quality game with top quality content developed by top talent over the course of several long years. So - yeah - that is a real thing - reality.

Considering you are just starting out and have a goal to create a new class, consider working on that one aspect alone, and maybe one enemy, in one very small little area.
To match Diablo’s quality alone with one character class with all the optional weapon/move sets and loot pickups, one enemy, and the small environment with high detail and animation, that alone would take a non-novice at least 4-6 months.

But I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your progress in the wip thread.