Remote Config not working

I’m using Unity 2019.3.7 with remote config 1.0.9
Environment: development
I’m setting the values from remote config to a scriptable object, when I’m using the editor they are working fine, however when building an apk they are not getting called.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using Unity.RemoteConfig;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class RemoteConfigManager : MonoBehaviour

    public static RemoteConfigManager instance;

    public struct userAttributes
        // Optionally declare variables for any custom user attributes; if none keep an empty struct:     
    public struct appAttributes
        // Optionally declare variables for any custom app attributes; if none keep an empty struct:     
        public int level;
        public int difficulty;   //0 = Normal  1 = Hard   2 = insane
        public int wUnlock;

    // Declare any Settings variables you’ll want to configure remotely:
    public float enemyDamageFactor;
    public float RandomL1_Option1;
    public float RandomL1_Option2;
    public float RandomL1_Option3;
    public float RandomL1_Option4;
    void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

    private void Start()
        ConfigManager.FetchCompleted += ApplyRemoteSettings;
        ConfigManager.FetchConfigs<userAttributes, appAttributes>(new userAttributes(), new appAttributes());

    private bool ChangeSystem = false;
    public void GetRemoteConfigData()
        ChangeSystem = true;

    void ApplyRemoteSettings(ConfigResponse configResponse)
        enemyDamageFactor = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetFloat("EnemyDamage");

        RandomL1_Option1 = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetFloat("RandomL1_Option1");
        RandomL1_Option2 = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetFloat("RandomL1_Option2");
        RandomL1_Option3 = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetFloat("RandomL1_Option3");
        RandomL1_Option4 = ConfigManager.appConfig.GetFloat("RandomL1_Option4");


Can you please add Debug.Log statements and print out the values of your variables at runtime. They will show in the device logs. Also, there was an issue in the version of RC that you are using with floats returning 0. Please show Preview Packages under Advanced in Package Manager and install the latest package and test. How To - Capturing Device Logs on Android or use the Asset store logcat package Android Logcat Package Feedback and Tips for new Unity users