I have followed the latest code but is it still not working? below is my code and setup image. please help!
6636028–757039–RemoteConfigMgr.cs (2.05 KB)
I have followed the latest code but is it still not working? below is my code and setup image. please help!
Please describe “not working”. Show the output of your Debug.Log statements. Also, using Debug.Log, output your expected variable values
I have tried but can’t get the value.
Please share the results of your debugging, this may help https://discussions.unity.com/t/748729/14
I try debugging but nothing worth showing up. And I check if there is a key, I get a response. Config response is fail
Please share the results of your Debug.Log output. We would not be able to assist otherwise, thanks for understanding. Show your updated code with additional Debug.Log statements, then share the results of the output that shows in the Console window.
Here is the debugging image and the updated remote code. Can’t get data.
Thank you for the additional information, I will test the same configuration here and will follow up.
Expect results from you soon. thank you so much!
I used your same code in my project here and it worked first time for me. I’m using Remote Config 2.0. I changed the environmentID to my own, but otherwise the code is the same. Can you provide your project in a Zip file? Make a backup first, and then remove the /Library folder to keep it small, and zip it up and send me a direct message.
@PisaCa Also, what country are you in? To rule out networking issues, please test with Charles Proxy. Install the root certificate via the Help menu, and reboot your system. Run a capture for 1 minute while you launch your game in the Editor, and send me the Charles .chls file via direct message. The Android and iOS sections in the article aren’t needed in this case https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002917683-Using-Charles-Proxy-with-Unity
I have sent the project and .chls file to you. I am from Vietnam. Waiting for your early response. Thank you very much.
Please try with VPN. The Charles capture was still encrypted, please follow the directions carefully and ensure to add the Charles root certificate and reboot.