Remote config request might not complete at all regarding official documentation?

Hello, I would like to confirm what the official documentation says about the usage of Remote Config:

Important: Requesting settings from the Remote Config service is an asynchronous process that might not complete before your initial Scene finishes loading, or in some edge cases might not complete at all. Therefore, always initialize your game variables with reasonable defaults.

Does this mean Remote Config sometimes simply won’t fetch the cofniguration? or is this some leftover from beta versions?

Anybody using Remote Config could confirm if it fails very often?

Thanks in advance

Not it doesn’t fail “often” of course, you just want to ensure you initialize with proper defaults. The user might not have Internet access for example. That’s the same advice for any component you use.

AAhhh but then its like any other asynchronous process, you would not either get the success callback or get an error callback then… That text made me think sometimes the service would not answer at all.

Since our game requires internet connection we can ensure the user have good connection and even wait for a correct answer of the server.