Hi there, I found out that the remote config was unstable where sometime the remote config will stop working and return “curl error 28: Connection timed out after 10005 milliseconds” (as attached image). Where some other time it was working just fine.
What we are trying to do is try to fetch remote config’s data, in our case we check the “isMaintenance” bool every 5 second and if it return true, we will block/sign out the player from playing the game.
I am not sure is the remote config will get affect by the connection type (wifi connection or mobile data), as me and my team tested that every time we used mobile data will not have the above issue, while using wifi will caused the error. Did anyone know what is the reason behind the issue?
The error looks like below
Additional info here, I am using Remote Config Version 1.4.0, in Unity 2020.3.19f1
Hey @weihan_unity
Can you advise me of the time and date that you saw this issue occur?
This will then help use determine if there is still an issue with remote config.
It will still happen at this very moment, what we found strange is that some of the pc does not have this issue while the others will see this while we are all using the same project with the same version of Unity and Remote Config.
Additional note here, we had make android build to test out too, and wifi connection will always have the error while mobile data connection seems fine and able to retrieve the data from remote config successfully when we called ConfigManager.FetchConfigs() every few seconds.
We added “if (configResponse.status == ConfigRequestStatus.Success)” to checkup the state too, when the error occurs, it always return false in this checking. Hopes the info helps!
hi @weihan_unity
Just providing an update here.
We are continuing to monitor the service but overall the service is currently in a stable state.
If you are indeed still having issues please let me know.
Hi @SebT_Unity , thanks for the update!
Unfortunately the same issue mentioned above still occurred until this very moment… Is there anything I could do to debug or at least find out what was the possible issue? Since there are some PC can called remote config successfully while some others can’t, it was difficult for us to find a suitable solution at the moment…
I’ve seen this before on a few brief occasions, but put it down to network or service issues (as it was very infrequent\intermittent)
If some of your devices are working without issue, try and work out some commonality with the devices that have issues.
Have you checked things like software or hardware firewalls, routers etc?
Failing that, 1.4.0 is pretty old now. How about 2.1.0? I believe you can upgrade from 1.4.0 to 2.1.0 without any changes. 3.1.3 requires changes, but they are quite minimal.
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Hi again @weihan_unity
If the devices that are working ALWAYS work then what @PeachyPixels proposed is checking firewalls routers and even connections to vpns would be a valid starting point. We don’t currently have any other users reporting issues. Please keep us posted on your initial investigation.
I look forward to your response.
Hi @PeachyPixels @SebT_Unity
Sorry for the late reply. We have took your suggestion to upgrade from Remote config 1.4.0 to 2.1.2, and it works like a charm! Thank you so much!
We also checked the firewall, router and VPN that we used, it is all the same among all device, as the devices are working in the same office.
Thanks for the update @weihan_unity !
Thanks to @PeachyPixels for your suggestion on updating. That seemed to solved the issue.
Regarding service degradation on remote config, we are planning to remove the warning today.
Things should be back to normal.
public static bool CheckUrl(string url,int timeOut=0)
var req = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
req.Timeout = timeOut;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;