Remote Player

I’ve looked at the networking demos and everything except I can’t get this to work.

What I want to do is spawn the FPS prefab for me and then what the other players see is the lerpz prefab (not the actual thing in final version but for now) in my position.

I can make you see the other fps prefab but it doesn’t work to make it spawn the other one, the lerpz prefab.

the network view is sending my transform but how would I get it to send my position and everything but to the lerpz prefab?

Either Network.Instantiate a prefab that morphs into lerpz or the fps prefab based upon whether it is a local instance (NetworkView.IsMine), or send your own custom instantiation RPC that triggers similar logic.

I’ve gone with NetworkView.isMine except the fact that it only spawns the fps player not lerpz.