Remote Settings & Nintendo Switch support

Hi there,

We’re in the process of porting our Unity based games to the Switch and we note that the Remote Settings classes don’t seem to be available on that platform - we guess because they’re part of the Unity Connect DLL which isn’t present on Switch.

It seems odd that Remote Settings falls foul of this as it feels like a separate component to the rest of the data collection systems in Unity Connect. It means that we need to reconsider whether we can use Unity Analytics/Remote Settings/AB testing at all, if support for the Switch is not coming.

@chrisendicott That is correct, Unity Analytics does not include console support.

Thanks, but do you have plans to support other platforms (Switch/PC/Mac) in the near future? Or is this a definite no?

We have full support for PC and Mac. Consoles like Switch are mostly an issue for contractual rather than technical reasons.