Remote with no picture

Is there a way to switch off transmission of the pictures on the iPhone Remote? I noticed that touches and accelerometer-data are transmitted much more often in the short time before the picture starts. Since most of the time I don’t need to see the picture on the iPhone I’d only like to have it as an input device…

maybe something I can hack in XCode? Just tell me which files to delete… :wink:

I’ve noticed the same thing. I get far better remote input before the image begins to appear.

you could try what happens if you don’t render the picture that comes in or at least do it far less regularily (once per 250ms or alike)

As it has to update the texture in realtime, chances are there that this is actually the bottleneck.

i’d love to know about this too 8)

if there’s a way to use Unity Remote just for input, not displaying the image. Hopefully that way i can get more responsive input/control :smile:

i post your idea on the Wish List,
because i’d love to see this too.