Remoting with Mono?

i’m looking for any tutorial to use Remoting with MonoScripting in Unity3d.
We need to authenticate users with an external service and persist some statistics.
Does any body have used it? There is any alternative to Remoting?

I have a great system set up to login users in Unity through a mysql server. Its based on the high score script on the WIki. I can tell you it works perfect.

I use the mysql server for persistent data. But I just make requests to it for player data.


  1. Build Library with Remote Object (in MONO or .NET 2.0)
  2. Build Remoting Server (in MONO or .NET 2.0)
  3. Create in Unity a C# Script with Remoting Client implementation. You can use methods like Start() or Update() to test it.
  4. Attach the Script to a GameObject.
  5. Copy into the asserts folder the remoting library from Unity’s Mono implementation:
    a. System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
    b. System.Runtime.Remoting
    They are located in this path: {ROOTUNITY}\Editor\Data\Frameworks\Mono.framework
  6. Play the scene!!!

179780–6409–$remotingtest_273.cs (1.16 KB)

Sounds good. Does it work as you want it too ?

After spend half a day browsing why Unity was throwing this complain:

"Are you missing an assembly reference?"

I found this post. The trick was adding the System.Runtime.Remoting as an asset just as in Visual C++ you add manually the external dependece to the project.

There is a lot of people looking for this!!

In know this thread is old but has anyone done this with Unity 5? Having trouble passing DataTables from Unity 5 via remoting proxy technique. The proxy interface was built using .NET 2.0 for compatibility with Mono but throws serialization exception and we can’t find where the problem is stemming from.