remove all spaces at the end of a URL path

copy paste from a website usually adds garbage space at the end

Hi @laurentlavigne ,

Thank you for the suggestion. This is something the Package Manager window currently does since 2022.1 when you use the “Add by Git URL” dropdown (or any other “Add …” dropdown, as far as I know). If you use the C# API (i.e. UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.Add or UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.AddAndRemove) or directly edit the project manifest.json file, then the string you use is not modified. This is by design and not likely to be changed.

no biggy
I noticed that UPM doesn’t get back ported, why is the UPM so tightly coupled with the editor?

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Actually, UPM itself gets backported sometimes with bug fixes and more important QoL improvements, but the Package Manager window, the Package Manager Scripting API and the UPM integration code in the Editor generally doesn’t (bug fixes aside). The focus of “f” releases (in particular LTS versions) is stability, which means altering the Editor code as little as possible to avoid introducing regressions.

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