Remove .dll

After finding my webplayer crashed from using the WWW class, i decided to remove it entirety. Now i am still occasionally getting crashes on Chrome and i found this in the log:
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Douglas\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x-Development\Data\lib\CrossDomainPolicyParser.dll (this message is harmless)

Why is a CrossDomainPolicyParser.dll getting loaded if i am not using the WWW class anymore and how can i remove it?
Thanks in advance for any help i get.

By disabling streaming from the build settings > web player, i got rid of the CrossDomainPolicyParser.dll message in my log. This also stopped the player from crashing occasionally soon after loading the game. I imagine there is some code i could have fixed to allow the streaming to remain enabled but this solved my issue for now.