I want to remove TextMesh package but its not in the package manager
In that case, what makes you think that it is installed?
Note that the âTextMeshâ asset in the create menu is built-in. This isnât part of the TextMesh Pro package.
Any remaining TextMesh folder under Assets you will have to delete yourself.
because I can use it
OK so I have to delete it myself
If you can use it, the package must be installed and listed under Package Manager.
Did you pick the âIn Projectâ category under Package Manager? Because for example âBuilt-Inâ and âMy Assetsâ will not show the TMP package. Also a non-empty filter string (right-side of the same toolbar) will reduce the list of shown packages.
The only other things I can think of is that you either copied the package contents to your Assets tree in order to modify its contents. Or you have a very old version that was from the Asset Store, at least I think it used to be a paid asset many many years ago.
I dont have TMP , its only TextMesh !!!
So is this even possible to delete it ?
TextMesh is a built-in asset type. You cannot remove that.
TextMeshPro was created to extend the functionality of TextMesh, hence the similarity in names.