Removed TextMesh Pro package - How to get it back?

I removed the TextMesh Pro package in the Unity packet manager. Now I want to reinstall it.

But I can’t find a way to reinstall the TextMesh Pro package. The package manager does not list TextMesh Pro any more. I cannot create GameObjects from the TextMesh Pro family.

My Unity version is: 2019.3.1f1

In the Package Manager window there is a dropdown menu on the top left. Here you can select the option “All packages” which shows all packages in the list below. There you will find the TextMesh Pro package to reinstall.

In the mid bottom ,there is a refresh button on project manager.I clicked there and TEXT MESH PRO reappeared. Then I install it.

if you are using unity 2021x. go to Package manager and see on left side at upper side. right after plus sign. Click on it and you will see a point Unity registry (all packages ) here you will get textmeshpro and click here and install you problem is solved