Hi there
My ‘made for kids’ ios app has been rejected due to containing/exposing a library ‘ASIdentifierManager’ that apples doesnt like in this kids category.
Can you please let me know how to remove it from unity so I can submit it without rejections?
Might be worth to check Link Map file to get more details when rejected for advertisingIdentifier
Thanks @unity_LucasLTN
I had already read and commented on that link map file. Unfortunately I am still getting rejected.
Is there a possibility Unity adds an option to strip this from the xcode build? Or like a build script?
@gegagome can you please go through all check steps from Link Map file thread and share: commands executed and output.
Additional question: does your project use any of Unity’s services (Ads, Analytics, IAP) or any 3rd party plugins for ads or analytics?
Yes I use Unity’s IAP in my app. It is a freemium app with a parental gate.