Removing Mixamo Prefixes from Rig and Animation Names Automatically

Hi everyone,

I’ve been running into a frustrating issue with Mixamo. When I import models and animations, they come with prefixes like mixamorig6: in the rig and animation names, which is quite annoying. So, I wrote two AssetPostprocessor scripts to handle this during import. One script removes the prefixes from the rig, and the other renames animations based on the FBX filename.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MixamoRigRenamer : AssetPostprocessor {
    private const string prefix = "mixamorig6:";

    void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject importedModel) {

    private void RenameRigBones(Transform parent) {
        if ( {

        foreach (Transform child in parent) {

Animation Renamer:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;

public class AnimationRenamePostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor {
    const string mixamoName = "";

    void OnPostprocessAnimation(GameObject gameObject, AnimationClip clip) {

    void RenameMixamoAnimation(AnimationClip clip) {
        if ( {
            string fileName = GetFBXName();
            string oldName =;
   = fileName;
            Debug.Log($"Анімаційний кліп '{oldName}' перейменовано на: {fileName}");
        } else {
            Debug.Log($"Анімаційний кліп '{}' вже має правильне ім'я.");

    string GetFBXName() {
        string assetPath = assetImporter.assetPath;
        return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath);

The Problem:

Unfortunately, animations dont apply to renamed version of rig bones. And I cant find why.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue, or can anyone spot what might be going wrong with these scripts? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!