Hi, I just wanted to make a suggestion to add the functionality to rename locked inspector tabs.
I just learned about the functionality to lock tabs and it’s great because I used to find it annoying to constantly switch between inspectors trying to find the asset in the “Project” tab or an object in the “Hierarchy”.
I think it would be much better if we can right-click and rename the locked inspector tabs as well.
Hey Jonathan so we’re tackling this exact problem a different way. In 20.2 (check out the alpha to see it and feedback if you like) you can open a ‘focused inspector’ by doing right click > Properties on any game object, component, or asset this gives you effectively a by default locked inspector where the tab is named after the thing you opened. Here’s a gif!
Hi, just adding a bit to the suggestion…
I think it still would be nice if we could rename any kind of tab, for example, opening a “Project” tab, them choosing a folder, locking that tab and being able to rename the tab so i can quickly access that folder when i need to.
+1 for being able to rename project tabs. I like to lock them with the most used folders. It would be great to see the folder names on the tab headers!
Sometimes I have like 5-10 Projects tabs opened (Scripts, Prefabs, Textures, Sounds) and because of lack of renaming possibility I started to group and seperating them using other tabs (e.g. Console, Inspector), which is better than nothing, but rename function would be a blessing!
Yea I also want to be able to rename project tabs the other way for inspector is pretty nice, but I would also prefer if I can just change the name of the inspector (seems more intuitive this way and I might want a different name)