Renaming Projects

It would be cool to allow renaming projects from the Hub.
Many internal projects of us have annoying names like “unity” or “frontend”.
Having a ton of different of these names in the dashboard is frustrating and confusing.

It would be cool to allow renaming the projects or if its simpler, allow setting up a display name that is not directly linked to the project-filename.

Beside that I love the new Hub, good work!


Hi there,
Thank you for your feedback. We are so happy that you loved it.
Currently, the hub project tab is very similar to the launcher.
In our plan, we have many enhancements and improvements to that tab, and we will consider renaming the projects as well.


I’ll add a vote for this. All our work projects must be in a folder “Project”. So when I open the projects tab, I just see Project and have to look at the path to know what I’m opening, which is a bit annoying to do, especially since the Projects tab does some weird sorting on projects I’ve recently opened.


When you download an SVN repo, you can end up with the project in a folder named “trunk”. Unity Launcher/Hub uses this as the project name. This is just another instance where being able to rename in Hub would be useful.
(yes, I know that you can checkout the contents of ‘trunk’ into a custom named folder)

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Any news on this one? @afshinity

This naming projects on the project list is currently plan for the next version of the Hub.
There is no date as of yet, so we may only ask for you patience.


Wanted to give this a bump as it’s very high on the wishlist on my team. Having too many “app” or “unity” projects in the list is confusing when it doesn’t need to be.


Bumbity bump
News on this one? The next version was already released months ago^^


2019 Bump. Any news?

Yet another bump!

Unity hub improvements are coming.

At about 4:35 info on the new Unity hub 2.0 that is coming.

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Ah I missed that when I watched the vid last year. Thanks for the timestamp!

Unfortunately there’s no mention of renaming / relabeling projects :frowning:

Not showing the project name in the Unity project entry instead of the folder name is why I’m reverting back to 1.6.2

Its not like this isn’t a known issue either, here’s a thread asking about it and showing the same issue a year ago.


I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t name each project folder appropriately.

There are valid reasons. If you create a bigger project and Unity isn’t the only thing you use for it your project can look like this for example (emphasis on the example):

  • project folder (project name)
    – inno setup project → for example installer app and code goes here
    – custom launcher project → your game has a custom launcher, the project goes here
    – unity project → Unity project goes here (this is the “Unity” folder in above example)
    – raw asset library → raw assets go here (which isn’t yet imported or originals)
    – game documents → if you have proper documentation
    – project management → PM-related documents

If you do this enough times you will have a project template with the basics, so you will lock down the folder names whatever you choose. This way the unity project folder became “Unity” in their project.
I think this is a perfectly valid usage and problem.


Bump June 2019…

After posting a thread about the same subject I found this post…

I made the suggestion to have an option to display the “Project Name” value defined under “Project Settings/Player” as the project title instead of the folder name…

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Perhaps this is a rite of passage in Unity and if so then I apologize…

In a 2017.0.7f1 project there is a .sln file that has your project name. Rename the folder, the .sln file, and find the name string in that file (twice) and change it there. When you reopen the hub it should be updated. (At least that worked for me)

In a 2019.1.7f1 project there are two ProjectSettings.asset files. Library/ProjectSettings.asset and ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset which have a productName variable. Change both of those, rename the directory and it will be changed the next time you run the hub.

This is specifically Unity Hub 2.0.2 that I tried it with and it worked for my situation. Insert normal cavetes about editing project files with the right editors and taking your life into your own hands.

July 2019 - bump.

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August 2019 - bump.