Render as image sequence

Hi all,

I’m new to Unity and I’m interested in it, only to create cinematic render scenes for a film.
I won’t use it to create games or anything related.

I’ve been watching to a lot of tutorials and learned many cool stuff about Unity but one thing that I could not figure out yet, (and I do believe that this question may already had been asked more than once and for that, I apologize): How to render a cinematic scene to HDD as a sequence of images?

Is this already possible using Unity stand alone or is this feature still dependent on third party scrips?

Many thanks.


I just found two free ways to capture frame sequences or video clips from the render engine for video editing.

1st method, load and install:
FrameCapturer - GitHub - unity3d-jp/FrameCapturer: export framebuffer, GBuffer or any RenderTextures from Unity to file. supported format: png, exr, gif, webm, mp4
This script is added to the Unity camera and allows to save image sequences or videos from the render.

2nd method, load and install from Unity store:
Recorder - To use this tool you should know hot to work with Cinemachine.
Check this video tutorial to understand what I mean:

Hope this helps some people, that like me, did not know how to save image sequences from the render.



Just my 2 cents. Tried FrameCapturer in Unity 2018 and didn’t work for me. It can save webm, but playing that in Firefox shows only half of the recording. Converting the webm to some avi produces the whole video but has a noticeable delay exactly at the point video stops in Firefox. Too much hassle for me.
MP4 under Windows 7 doesn’t work at all (only writes a few kb sized empty files).

Also hard to get rid of. Even after deleting from project it still persists in ‘Streaming Assets’. Got rid of it by removing ‘Streaming Assets’ folder completely from Explorer with Unity closed. Hopefully it didn’t leave any troyans…

Sorry for such.
I tested it on Unity versions prior to 2018 and it worked just fine for me but after Unity 2018, I’m using the “Unity Recorder” Tool.

Unity Recorder tool is the way to go. That’s what we use on all our film projects.

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Hi Mr Myhill,
I try to find the Unity recorder, but it seems that it’s not available anymore.
The link you’ve provided return an error 404,
and it seems also that the recorder is only available for pro license.
Could you tell me if this is right or if I’ve made something wrong.

Tanks for your reply.


I can click that link just fine. It was probably just the asset store that was down for a bit.

The latest Unity Recorder is available in Preview via the Package Manager from Unity 2018.3+.” but I am unable to download it. I selected menu Window entry Package Manager and searched in search box for “Unity Recorder” or “Recorder”.

Is this package deprecated, unavailable, replaced? Merged into Cinemachina? Or maybe I am doing something wrong? Or is it platform restricted and unavailable for Linux?

Which Unity version are you exactly using? Typing in “Recorder” to search field brings it up in package manager in 2019.3.0f1 and 2019.3.6f1. Be sure you search in “All packages” mode, not in “Project”, as it only searches for packages you have installed currently.

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Yes, I am in “all packages” mode. For example (not installed) Cinemachine is found.

@matkoniecz can you please share what version of Unity you’re using?

In a clean project you should see Cinemachine and Recorder in the Package Manager.

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I have “2019.3.2f1 Personal <OpenGL 3.3>” in the window title. I use Ubuntu 19.10 (Lubuntu flavor). Is any additional information necessary to identify it?

“Show preview packages” needs to be enabled in the “Advanced” drop-down menu of the Package Manager window.