Render GUI-Component in front of another on same Object?


I have a gameobject with a GUI-Texture and a GUI-Text component and a script for controlling/setting their attributes attached. Since they are all on the same object, I can’t change render priority via transform.z. Also, in my script I don’t use OnGUI(), so I can’t use GUI.depth either.

Though is it possible to change render priority so that the GUI-text is always rendered in front of my GUI-texture?

Well, I just ended up seperating to two objects as I feared, which feels clunky, but it works. Just wondered whether there would be a trick to set GUI-Components render-depth or something like that. Changing the order of the components changes nothing unfortunately, the texture is rendered above the text when I build the game. Interesting thing is that the render order is correct (text over texture) in editor play mode oO.