I am looking for a way to control the render queue for certain materials, so that I can ensure that Material A is rendered before Material B. What I tried:
- Changing the sorting priority / overriding the value for the render queue for the material => no effect in the simulator (in the Unity editor it worked fine)
- Applying multiple materials on one mesh renderer => Only the first material is rendered (in the editor the materials are rendered on top of each other)
- Adding Render Objects in the URP settings => no effect in the simulator (but in the editor)
The only option I found either adding a shader to the Opaque-pass or Transparent-Pass in Shadergraph-Shader. Unfortunately, I need a more fine control.
All in all, it seems that I can only control rendering aspects inside of ShaderGraph. General URP-settings seem to have no effect on the rendering in the Simulator. For Instance, I set the render scale in the URP Pipeline Settings on 0.1 and it looked terrible in the editor, while in the simulator everything was fine.
Is this intended or a temporary state?