Render Skybox crash on iOS and OSX

Hi! After upgrading to 2023.1.11f1 from 2022 we started getting consistent crashes on apple platforms with the following stack trace:

Crashes usually happen within the first minute of the gameplay, without any particular steps to reproduce. I tried to disable Multithreaded rending, but that only made things worse, that is the game started crashing even before the main gameplay started.

Does anyone also have this issue? Any workarounds?

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I have the same issue! It happens on every 2023 version so far, bur not on 2022.
We use unity build automation.

I have no workaround so far :frowning:


I have the same issue with 2023.1.16f1. Couldn’t find any workaround too.

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Seems similar to my issue iOS Build keeps crashing Unity 2023.1.15fi

i’m on 2d URP, it consistently happens at random points while in my game. Disabling multithreaded rendering makes it crash instantly. Glad to see someone else is having this issue.

Will Unity every reply?

Yes, disabling multithreaded rendering also crashes immediately in my case. We will try to reproduce it in the test project and file a bug report to Unity, since they don’t seem to be aware of this.

This would be incredibly useful, since i’m struggling to make a repro project as it’s quite hard since it happens at random times. Please if possible share your repro project with us so we can test it ourselves and file our own bug report to hopefully speed up the process

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When I disable “mulithreaded rendering”, it does not crash anymore!
Tested with Unity 2023.1.10

I just realized that I made the build with the wrong unity Version (aka 2022.3.10).

(I use unity build automation and made a configuration error. Very strange that it did not crash since I used 2023.1. in the editor and created addressables there. so the build was with 2022.3 and used addressables made with 2023.1)

Did you manage to create a repro in the end?

I just realized that I made the build with the wrong unity Version (aka 2022.3.).

(I use unity build automation and made a configuration error. Very strange that it did not crash since I used 2023.1. in the editor and created addressables there. so the build was with 2022.3 and used addressables made with 2023.1)

I made another Test:

  • mulithreaded rendering enabled
  • Unity 2023.1.17
  • Unity Build Automation set to Xcode 14.2.0

No Crash!
I think the use of Xcode 14.2.0 did the trick

I tried 2023.2.0b14 and didn’t have this issue anymore. 2023.2 beta runtime looks much more stable than 2023.1 for me. It’s weird.

I couldn’t understand the nature of this issue, thus couldn’t reproduce it with a smaller project. It’s more likely to happen while main camera is moving on my project. I’m using Cinemachine for handling the camera movements, but I’m not sure if it’s related to this issue. The only thing that I’m sure of is that this happens on iPhone 11 and earlier devices. iPhone 12 and newer ones were fine.


Fixed some things in my project and made another build. Now it is crashing again after some minutes (not related to the fixes).
Trying Xcode 14.3. now.

I can confirm this. The beta seems more stable.
I also use Cinemachine for camera movements.
The Ipad I test the app with is also relative old (6th gen)