Render Streaming: receive multiple streams from different senders

Hello everyone,

I started playing with the Unity Render Streaming package and I got it working to send from a scene and receive on the other.

I would now like to be able to see 2 different streams at the same time from my receiver scene: is this possible? If yes, what’s the right way?

I tried to see if there is a way to send 2 different streams to the same webRTC server, but I can’t chose which stream to see from the receiver side: is this something I can achieve with the connectionID? As now no matter what connectionID I use on the receiver, I always get the first stream.

I also considered the idea of running 2 different WebRTC servers, but is there a way to establish two different connections at the same time with the Render Streaming package? I cannot see anywhere how to establish a new SingleConnection passing the url of the second server.

Thank you for your help!

UPDATE: my bad on this, I somehow missed the checkbox in the SignalingManager that forces the component to use the default setting stored in the project settings.


Once disabled, I was able to almost just duplicate the same GameObject and assign a different url to connect on 2 different WebRTC server.

But I’m still trying to understand if there is a way to identify streams in a single server so I can open specific ones without having to run 2 different instances of the same server.

Would love any suggestions on this.
