Hello, I’ve seen posts about this issue but no matter what I try I still end up with the same black square for my render texture on Android, while it’s perfect on editor.
I’m on Unity 2022.3.17f1 and using URP version 14.0.9
Here you can find my render texture settings :
Thanks a lot for your help, I’m in the middle of a jam so it’s quite urgent to me

Could you please check if this reproduces in more recent versions, such as 2022.3.55f1? If it does, please submit a bug report by navigating to “Help → Report a Bug…” from within the Unity Editor and attach a sample project so our Customer QA team can investigate.
So finally the issue was that the UI using the render texture is an addressable. And the render texture isn’t (as well as the camera rendering it)
I patched this by re-referencing the render texture in the UI at runtime