render texture not working on Windows build

Hi pplz…

I have a renter texture I am generating for use as a radar overlay and it works fine on any Mac build including webplayer (if played on a mac) but it does not show if it is played in a windows build or in a webplayer on a windows box.

It’s doing my head in as I cant seem to work out what the issue is.

Anyone else experienced this issue or have any ideas of what it could be?

the render texture is being generated by a second camera that only renders A specific layer. the render texture is then shown in an OnGUI. I have tried showing it as both a GUI.DrawTexture and a GUI.Label… both work fine on OSX, but neither work in Windows.

Also, I have tried no mip-mapping, and mip-mapping with several settings. Again, same results.

Thanks in advance…

All the different GUI components probably uses DrawTexture so it is unlikely that you will be able to catch different behaviours when it comes to rendering textures.

I have no experience with render textures, but I’d recommend creating a very simple project which displays the same runtime defect and bug report it to otee.