Render Thread Logging in Java Plugin

How do you log from a java function that your calling from the render thread?
Ive tried using Log.w(TAG, “warning”); but it only works on the main thread.
I tried this but it only works from the main thread. It crashes (without any logs) when I try to call the native function passing the log callback on the render thread.
Im on Android btw

private delegate void RenderEventDelegate(int eventID);
private static RenderEventDelegate RenderThreadHandle = new RenderEventDelegate(RunOnRenderThread);
public static IntPtr RenderThreadHandlePtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(RenderThreadHandle);

public const int GL_DRAW_EVENT = 0x0002;

private static void RunOnRenderThread(int eventID)
        Debug.Log("before test1");
        pluginInstance.Call("test1", 365); // I can call this but how do i log from it?

void Start(){
        pluginInstance = new AndroidJavaObject("");

void Update(){
GL.IssuePluginEvent(RenderThreadHandlePtr, GL_DRAW_EVENT);

nevermind, this shouldnt be done. I guess you should only call C functions
For context, im trying to use this video encoding java code as a plugin. But im pretty sure it needs to be called on the render thread because it needs an opengl context