for my HUD I would like to render my vehicle as seen from top without any terrain or so visible. Imagine a top view of the vehicle within your modelling tool.
I suppose the best way to achieve this would be to render the vehicle to a texture and then apply this texture to the HUD.
My problem is: How would I set up the rendering to the texture? Do I have to put a second vehicle somewhere in the world and stick a camera above it, and apply the same transformations I do for my player vehicle?
Thanks for your help.
Maybe I don’t understand you correctly, but can you not make the camera a child of the vehicle?
Regards, Robert
I then would have parts of the underground showing in my HUD. Basically, what I try to achieve:
My vehicle has a turret. I want a top down view of the vehicle with the vehicle front always be on the top side of the texture and the turret turning in the screen (see attached png file from another game achieving something similar of what I want to do).
The first image shows the basic principle, the second one a version using the actual 3D mesh of the tank.
Hopefully this is more clear
Put the vehicle on a particular layer and have the rendertexture camera only render that layer. (Whereas the normal camera renders all layers.)
Thanks eric, I’ll give this a shot…