Good day people!
I have been researching for a few hours now, but can’t find a real solution.
My goal is simple. Have a scene setup however and when I press a button in the build, render everything that is to come for, say 10min, and output it to a video file. Crucial would be to use the full potential of the computer.
Just like in a video editor, you edit the video, no matter how, and when you press render, it doesn’t render the video in ‘real time’, but renders it as fast as possible as to not waste time. If it’s just some text, a 10 min video would take maybe 3 min.
How can I achieve this same behaviour in Unity? There’s got to be some way without me needing to write a library or something using ffmpeg.
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
Hi @TheMatrixAgent22 !
Just to be sure I understand clearly the use case: you want to render your scene into a video file in a build. Is that accurate ?
If so, may-be Avfi/Packages/jp.keijiro.avfi at main · keijiro/Avfi · GitHub can be a start for you ?
Yes! Thanks a lot for your reply. This is already great, but it uses AVFoundation, so it only runs on Apple devices.
Though is there something like this that can also record at maybe 4 times the speed and not affect the audio when slowed down to default speed?
Hi @TheMatrixAgent22 !
Recorder is not intended to work in a build, as it depends on some Editor only APIs that are Editor specific.
But I know some people were able to strip down Recorder’s code of all these APIs and from there record in Runtime.
So that could be a way to go for you.
Another inspiration for you could also be Forma Render.