I now that RenderdTexture is pro only but is there an other way to get for eg. the glow effect to work in free with readpixels or somthing like that?
I now that RenderdTexture is pro only but is there an other way to get for eg. the glow effect to work in free with readpixels or somthing like that?
no. that’s why there’s a pro version.
You could get glow working with ReadPixels. But you lose major parts of the performance performance (ie the FPS will drop to 20% and less of what you have without it or with Unity Pro - often leading to unplayability) so you really don’t want to do it
Render textures is the one thing I would love to have in the free version which is currently pro only.
Ok so then the only one solution is to buy the pro version. But Im very interested in that what dreamora said. Have anybody a code sample for that?
Also, putting render textures into unity would render buying Unity Pro a waste of money.
your’re right.
thanks for the help.
+1 !
I just finished a ( really working not some ‘said it works and it dont’ ) mirror rendering in indie. it works pretty fine
but it’s damn slow !
About this i got 2 things to say.
In conclusion people MUST know that rendertotexture is also available in indie but in a ‘slow’ version. They want speed ?
ok, then get pro ! This allows some huge testings as rendertotexture is really a must have thingie !
regards all and have a nice day !
PS: when i say it slow down, i mean it… SLOWS DOWN A LOT !
at play when i got all my readpixels commented in the scripts i’m at 240fps.
when readpixels are active fps drops down to 35. The size and nubers of
mirrors have a unnoticable perf impact…
Do you really REALLY need Render to Texture to make Glow Effect?
Why not do it the old way… use an alpha map sprite instead?
No, people don’t buy Pro for those effects only. Those are just incentives to buy Pro.
The real reason people buy Pro is for the PROFILER.
Unity Profiler
No, people don’t buy Pro for those effects only. Those are just incentives to buy Pro.
The real reason people buy Pro is for the PROFILER
That’s just speculation. If I bought Unity pro it would be for the graphical features moreso than for the profiler. Either way, doubt if UT is going to make any pro feature free, it hasn’t happened yet.
at play when i got all my readpixels commented in the scripts i’m at 240fps.
when readpixels are active fps drops down to 35.
35 fps are not so bad for playing. I mean yes it is bad of course. But 35 fps runs fluently.
Do you can poste your code probably?
Do you really REALLY need Render to Texture to make Glow Effect?
Why not do it the old way… use an alpha map sprite instead?
What is that?
A transparent 2dimensional object, faking a glow. For example the standard particle texture would probably be a good choice for this.
Yes now I remember. In the Angry Bot example project has the human also a glow in free. So I’ll take a look there.