Hello everyone,
Recently, we added the new Render Graph Viewer to 2023.3.0b5 and above**.** You’ll find this updated tool under Window > Analysis > Render Graph Viewer.
The Render Graph Viewer window displays the sequence of all render passes in the frame. It displays all render passes that come with HDRP, as well as any custom render passes you create. You can see how each render pass uses the resources of the frame.
One highlight is that you can directly jump to the source line where the pass is added to the Render Graph. This is a very handy way to navigate and learn the HDRP source code, as well as working with your own effects.
Let us know what you think about the new viewer here.
This viewer works both on URP and HDRP, since they both share the same Render Graph core. You can find more about the URP implementation of RenderGraph in this thread .