The easiest way to go about this would simply be to use a custom skybox shader, something like the following;
Shader "Custom/GradientBackground"
_Color1 ("Color 1", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
_Color2 ("Color 2", Color) = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0)
_Color3 ("Color 3", Color) = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0)
_Color4 ("Color 4", Color) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
_Pos1 ("Gradient Position 1", Range (0,1)) = 0.33
_Pos2 ("Gradient Position 2", Range (0,1)) = 0.66
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "Queue"="Background" }
LOD 100
ZWrite Off
Cull Off
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
fixed4 _Color1;
fixed4 _Color2;
fixed4 _Color3;
fixed4 _Color4;
half _Pos1;
half _Pos2;
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.vertex);
o.uv = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos);
return o;
//This is a slightly cheaper version of smoothstep for linear gradients
float linstep (float a, float b, float x)
return saturate ((x - a) / (b - a));
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
//These are screen-space UVs
float2 uv = i.uv.xy / i.uv.w;
//Make sure the gradient always travels in the same direction
float p1 = min (_Pos1, _Pos2);
float p2 = max (_Pos1, _Pos2);
//Here is a simple 4-colour gradient on the y-axis, using smoothstep to get a more continuous derivative
return lerp
smoothstep (p2, 1.0, uv.y)
smoothstep (p1, p2, uv.y)
smoothstep (0.0, p1, uv.y)
Skyboxes are drawn in the background queue (just after opaque objects) and are culled using z-testing, so you don’t have to worry about overdraw. All you really need to do find the screen-space coordinates of the skybox in the shader and use those for the gradient. You could easily do a similar thing using a quad, and you wouldn’t even need to manually track the screen - just override the vertex coordinates in the vertex shader to always cover the screen.