Hi, I’m currently in the process of learning the terrain system in unity. I did quite some experimenting and I keep having the same problem: grass. Either I hide the far away grass with threes (second image) or I have to live with the ugly fading out of it in the distance (first image), so I was wondering if there is a method or an asset that allows for the grass in the distance to fade in transparency or any other solution someone came up with.
I don’t know myself, but I believe the person who made the Gaia terrain asset also made a grass asset,. And it may do the thing you’re looking for.
Vegetation Studios has one too. It is very cool and you will love it. Works great with VS!
Info in the WIP forum.
Vegetation Studio will give you “The Sky as Limit”. You can do this and more with your grasses and vegetation.
I second the recommendations for Vegetation Studio. It’ll be a kickass release. Keep an eye out for it.
Vegetation Studio looks cool but I guess it’s not out yet, right? How does it allow for more grass to be shown? Does it render it on the gpu, like uNature does?
You will be very happy with Vegetation Studio.
Look, does this help you?
I have completely missed this! And it supports VR! I wonder what kind of density we can expect to the foliage if we target PC VR. I dream about a forest map for our VR game
This is the asset that you’re looking for
In a few days @LennartJohansen will send to the asset store. Follow the forum for more details.
You can try Massive Vegetation. It includes a very efficient grass rendering system and it’s quite easy to use.
Unity Store Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vegetation/massive-vegetation-121801