I want to render a starfield, that you can actually fly though. Where the stars actually stay in their positions, so not just a random particle effect.
I want there to be a few thousand stars.
I’ve tried a couple of approaches:
A bunch of game objects that are quads with a billboard texture. This can work, but makes a ton of draw calls. I’ve yet to be able to get dynamic batching to work with this and not screw something else up.
A particle system, that is static, where I set the particles by hand. This works great in the editor. I can make particles arbitrary colors, it batches up all the draws. But when I build and run, all the particles are culled, likely because the particlesystem itself is not always in front of the camera. Setting the particle system as a child of the camera to keep it in front works ok, but I also make use of RenderToCubeMap, and when I use this approach, it only renders the front face!
Getting kind of frustrating. Anyone else done this, are there other approaches I could try that aren’t so…delicate?